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    For policy support, China's machine tool industry will be rapid development

    12th Five-Year Plan special machine tool industry as a strategic emerging industries will receive government support and promote independent innovation in the overall economic planning of the national macro-control, the 2013 machine tool market will grow 14.2% to 389 billion yuan This strong growth momentum will consolidate China's current position as the world's largest machine tool consumer and producer countries.
    Industry supply and demand from the government to develop the "12th Five-Year Plan" benefit. "12th Five-Year" plan special machine tool industry as one of the strategic emerging industries (SEIS), it will receive government support and promote independent innovation.
    High-end equipment manufacturing are included in the strategic emerging industries, the future will focus on fostering development. The state-of-the-art machine tool manufacturing is an important part of high-end equipment manufacturing industry to subsidies from the central and local governments to carry out research and development. Sales of high-end machine tools also benefit from the tariff policy, thereby increasing the sales of local products.
    Industrial machinery and equipment, transportation equipment, primary metal products and electrical and electronic equipment for machine tools in China's main market. , And thus become the largest market of machine tools, industrial machinery is widely used in various industrial fields. Due to the explosive growth of China's automobile industry, transportation equipment manufacturing in the past 10 years has been the second largest market for machine tools.
    Metal cutting machine tools is the biggest product categories, three times its size in metal forming machine tools. In 2014, China's machine tool accessories market demand growth will reach 16.1%, faster than the metal-cutting machine tools and forming machines.
    "Economic and Social Development 12th Five-Year Plan" proposed to promote the structural adjustment of key industries, equipment manufacturing industry to improve the basic technology, basic materials, basic components, R & D and system integration level, strengthen the major technological research and development of complete sets of equipment and industrialization, promote intelligent equipment products.
    Promote the manufacturing of equipment manufacturing from production-based to service-oriented manufacturing, and promote the NC, the production of green and enterprise information. Equipment needed in the development of strategic emerging industries and infrastructure and other key areas. Promote the process of casting, forging, welding, heat treatment, surface treatment and other infrastructure specialized production. Enhance the level of bearings, gears, grinding tools, hydraulic, self-control and other infrastructure components.

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