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    China machine tool industry development purpose

    Technical requirements for industrial manufacturing market is lagging behind the development of China's machine tool industry, for the better promotion of the rapid development of domestic machine tool, the country has formulated the machine tool industry in the twelfth five-year plan, a clear industry development goals, points out the development direction.
    In the overall planning of national macro-control, the machine tool market in 2013 will increase by 14.2% to 389000000000 yuan. This strong growth momentum will consolidate China as the world's largest machine tool consumer and producer. Industry supply and demand will benefit from the government's "Twelfth Five-Year Plan". "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" special machine tool industry as one of the strategic emerging industries, which will receive government support and promote independent innovation.
    The main market of machine tools in China have industrial machinery and equipment, transportation equipment, primary metal and electrical and electronic equipment. Among them, the industrial machinery is widely used in various industrial fields, and become the largest market for machine tool. Due to the explosive development of Chinese automobile industry, transportation equipment manufacturing in the past 10 years has been the second largest market of machine tool.
    According to the development goals, the next five years China will push forward to machine power, industrial structure is significantly improved, the domestic machine tool 80% varieties will satisfy the project needs, CNC machine tool market share to more than 70%.
    Market personage thinks, the Department in charge of policy support, high-end CNC machine tools will become an important window of mechanical industry, listing Corporation will accelerate the development of.
    The personage inside course of study points out, the next five years, China is in the critical period of upgrading equipment manufacturing, much of the heavy, large size, high precision in the high-end CNC machine tool products demand, due to technical content, these product units and additional value higher than the ordinary engine bed a few even hundreds of times, is expected to the sustained growth of these products will become the main driving force of the machine tool industry.
    According to the "national long-term science and technology development plan (2006-2020)", the development of high-end CNC machine tools will be raised to the height of the national strategy, China will encourage to purchase and use of domestic CNC machine tools, the major projects supporting domestic machine tool, cancel the import preferential policies and other measures to raise the share of domestic machine tool market.

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